Cover Page

4th Strategic Advisory Forum

Brussels – 20th November 2018

Four policy scenarios developed can inspire different policy pathways, each of which includes various policy options, reflecting different levels of ambition. These policy pathways and policy options were the focus of discussions of the 4th Strategic Advisory Forum meeting.

The work of the Strategic Advisory Forum meetings will conclude with a fifth meeting which will aim at
sharpening the argument, developing a convincing narrative and strengthening the internal logic of the
European Territorial Reference Framework. The combination of all these activities is expected to form a solid grounding for the Territorial Agenda post-2020 and inspire its development as well as provide potential options for its governance and implementation mechanisms.


Discussion Paper No.4 – Policy pathways [883 kB]

PPT – Narrative [975 kB]

PPT – Towards a European Territorial Reference Framework [10.8 MB]